Our company works as exclusive partner for several Bratislava shooting ranges as their marketing & sales agent for foreign clients.

We represent 3 indoor shooting ranges (see locations here) and 1 outdoor clay-shooting range, as well we cooperate exclusively with a paintball & airsoft company, an archery shooting range (both bows and crossbows shooting available) and we are good friends with the non-profit organisation keeping a historical WW2 bunker open for public. All our partner ranges are open for over 10 years (the oldest one since 1997) and they all have an incident-free record.

We provide a one-point contact for both individuals and groups who visit Bratislava and are interested in a shooting event.
Taking in consideration the availability of a diverse portfolio of hand-guns and rifles (inclusive the most popular Kalashnikov AK47 shooting), that are not easily accessible for non-licensed shooters elsewhere, this is a unique opportunity.

Our typical clients are men (although we have around 15% female clients), aged between 18 and 65 years. As we usually pick-up our clients from their accommodation venues, we know that we equally have clients staying at hostels or at most expensive hotels of Bratislava. Our guiding staff and instructors speak English, French and German.

In what concerns the groups, very often we assist with programs for stag groups (bachelor groups), men on boys-out weekend-breaks and company incentive & team-building trips.
As for individual clients and minitours, again the primary purpose of the travel of our customers is diverse, being it families (usually father inviting the son for the event, making his boy’s age dream true), over-sea clients on a Europe-trip, businessmen and of course many people whom we just did not ask why they visited Bratislava.

Occasionally we have clients, who are dedicated shooters and their primary purpose of travelling to Slovakia is full-day of shooting, in this case tailor-made shooting itineraries are arranged.

Bratislava Shooting Club is a professionally managed and operated company dedicated to deliver one of the best thing to do in Bratislava in affordable, easy-to-buy and safe way.
Our goal is to provide optimal customer service and quality experience that meet and exceed customer expectations.


Formulaire de réservation
